Wednesday, August 1, 2018

7 Basic Video Production Tips To Make Your Videos Look Pro Level

Today we are going to share some of our video production tips to maximise your Video Production and make your video look more professional than ever before, so here are 7 of our best ideas and tips.

1. Always film in higher resolution!

Although it sounds so obvious and simple too often people opt to film in a lower resolution. Be it for a lack of memory space, or because the technology was considered out the budget. The higher the resolution the better the video will look, this is why we film all our films in full 4K Ultra High-Definition, to ensure the video will always look at its best. For your video shoot at a minimum of 720p if you have to, but we recommend on mobile devices or small storage devices to film around 1080p.

2. Be Stable!

Nobody wants to watch a shaky video! If you have the funds buy a tripod, if not try and use an object to place your camera on. If neither option is possible, try keep the camera as close as possible to you, hold the camera near the chest to increase stability. If needs be in the editing phase use a stabilising tool to ensure the video to be straight.

3. Check your audio!

Make certain your audio is working, before you film. Nothing is worse than wrapping up filming to realise the audio is inaudible. Without the proper equipment our tip is to make certain your camera is close to the subject. Another idea would be to add the audio later with a voice-over if there is no need to be in sync. We personally have all the latest audio equipment, for use in and out the studio, on and off site ensuring we never have audio issues.

4. Get the Lighting right!

Lighting is one of the most important yet underrated aspects of filming. You must make certain that your subject is well lit, but at the same time not to bright. To help this you can buy professional gear to help light up a dark room, or scout your location a perfectly lit area good place. You must also be wary of shadows especially when filming outside, and don’t forget that with the sun moving what was earlier a good spot, may be covered in shadows later!

5. Take your time!

Although it sounds obvious too often is the whole production rushed from start to finish, video production can be a long process and rushing any stage will show, from poor editing to rushed filming it will all impacts the final result.

6. Use a script!

If you are trying to sell a corporate message or even for entertainment reasons very few people can successfully deliver an impromptu performance to high standards. Our tip is to write a basic script or cues to help you get going. Remember to keep the script concise and in-line with your message.

7. Don’t be scared to re-film.

If you don’t get it right the first time don’t worry re-takes are perfectly normal, but be certain to have continuation in your film. Don’t suddenly change clothes or style in the middle of filming unless it is part of the filming. Make certain the film looks professional and clean, don’t worry filming isn’t the fastest medium on earth.

We hope some of these tips can help you make the best video possible, video production is not the easiest medium on earth, but the rewards can be enormous. If you want professional quality video in Melbourne without having to bother about all these steps and more contact us at Visual Production Agency by email at: or call us at 03 9351 0002.

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1 comment:

  1. This is a magical production which lives up to its hype. It may have taken six years to get to Australia, but it was worth the wait. You’ll enjoy it even more if you see it with a child. If you don’t have one of your own, borrow someone else’s. Washington DC Video Production
